Vol. 6 No. 1 (2015)

The right to be forgotten: What changes after the European Court of Justice judgment against Google

Alberto Salarelli
Università degli studi di Parma

Published 2014-10-25


  • Corte europea di giustizia,
  • diritto all’oblio,
  • gestione e protezione dei dati personali,
  • motori di ricerca

How to Cite

Salarelli, Alberto. 2014. “The Right to Be Forgotten: What Changes After the European Court of Justice Judgment Against Google”. JLIS.It 6 (1):147-60. https://doi.org/10.4403/jlis.it-10283.


The brief paper examines the recent judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the right to be forgotten issue, highlighting main responsibilities of search engines managers in processing personal data. Google has been held directly responsible for the protection of personal data contained in search results, so that individuals have the right - under certain conditions - to ask search engines to remove links with personal information about them. The analysis of the first effects of this judgement shows that the double role of Google both as a judge and as a jury must be reconsidered in order to ensure a new balance between the protection of the individual memory and the rights to information for citizens.


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