Published 2022-01-13
- Metadata,
- Publishing,
- Big Data
How to Cite
Attanasio, Piero. 2022. “New Challenges in Metadata Management Between Publishers and Libraries”. JLIS.It 13 (1):116-22.
Copyright (c) 2022 Piero Attanasio
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Identifiers, bibliographic metadata, thematic category schemes are at the heart of the functioning of the book supply chain. There are international standards for all these elements, which allowed e-commerce to develop in the book trade before any other sector.The dialogue on metadata management between the book industry and the library community is not always as intensive as desirable. The challenges that the whole book world must cope with today and in the near future pressure us into change.
Building on lessons learned from the past, the article focuses on some upcoming challenges, such as big data and artificial intelligence applications, with the aim of identifying fields for a future collaboration.
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