Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022)

The role of the Wikidata librarian in a renewed Bibliographical Universe: “next generation metadata”, next generation librarians

Alessandra Boccone
Central library - University of Salerno

Published 2022-05-05


  • Wikidata librarian,
  • Metadata librarian,
  • Semantic web

How to Cite

Boccone, Alessandra. 2022. “The Role of the Wikidata Librarian in a Renewed Bibliographical Universe: ‘next Generation metadata’, Next Generation Librarians”. JLIS.It 13 (2):45-57. https://doi.org/10.36253/jlis.it-460.


Starting from a brief analysis of the OCLC Research report "Next generation metadata", the contribution proposes a reflection on the librarian metadata and the new centrality of its role in the LIS; among the various declinations that can assume such professional figure, One of the most interesting is the Wikidata librarian, of which a first definition is outlined. Following some international experiences of the use of Wikidata as a tool for new working methods, already consolidated in many library institutions, and as a particularly suitable environment for experimentation, thanks to its features of open, free, collaborative, easy to understand and use system. While information professionals and a large part of the academic and scientific environment have understood the potential of Wikidata, some weaknesses of this instrument have been highlighted, which must be corrected and recalibrated in the name of universally accessible and reusable knowledge, also taking into account the requirements contained in the Semantic Web Manifesto by the Cataloging and Indexing Study Group of the Italian Association of Libraries.


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