Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): Peer review: a process undergoing a required transformation

Gender equality in library science and book history Italian journals: a focus on boards, authors and peer-reviewers

Valentina Sonzini
University of Florence

Published 2022-12-19


  • Library science,
  • Women,
  • Gender perspective,
  • Scientific journals,
  • Printing history

How to Cite

Sonzini, Valentina. 2022. “Gender Equality in Library Science and Book History Italian Journals: A Focus on Boards, Authors and Peer-Reviewers”. JLIS.It 14 (1):81-98. https://doi.org/10.36253/jlis.it-509.


The presence of women in Italian open access journals in library science and book history has never been subject to quantitative evaluations. As in the case of other areas in the humanities, the study of the number of women on the boards and as authors has taken second place to analyses of gender positioning in academic careers. Starting from the data entered into Wikidata by the project "Riviste di biblioteconomia" managed by the Wikidata Group for Museums, Archives and Libraries, the contribution presents a focus on AIB Studi, Bibliothecae.it and JLIS.it regarding the gender balance in the scientific committees and board and the number of female contributors. In conclusion, a mention concerns the small number of articles from foreign countries, in particular from Africa and South-East Asia.


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