Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024)

Beyond transformative agreements. Library strategies towards Open Science

Maria Cassella
Università di Torino, Biblioteca "Norberto Bobbio"

Published 2024-05-15


  • Transformative agreements,
  • Open science,
  • Open access,
  • Gold Road.

How to Cite

Cassella, Maria. 2024. “Beyond Transformative Agreements. Library Strategies towards Open Science”. JLIS.It 15 (2):89-100. https://doi.org/10.36253/jlis.it-592.


Transformative agreements are increasingly supporting the amount of open access articles, but they also pose big dilemmas to libraries, as costs are also increasing and they have a time limit.

This is the rationale for libraries to imagine new strategies that go beyond the transformative agreements, i.e. the support to the Diamond Open Access, the development of new tools for a national repository network, the commitment to policies that foster innovative practices in the research assessment and so on.

The author argues that collaboration among libraries, funders and publishers is the key to move forward with the open access achievements. Assuming that there will always be costs involved in supporting the Gold Road, libraries, publishers, and research funders will need to conceive in the future new sustainable agreements, both economically and ethically.


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