Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023): Peer review: a process undergoing a required transformation

Scholarly publishing and peer review in the Global South: the role of the reviewer

Peter Lor
University of Pretoria

Published 2022-12-19


  • Peer Review;,
  • Scholarly Communication;,
  • Global South;,
  • Journals;,
  • Publishing.

How to Cite

Lor, Peter. 2022. “Scholarly Publishing and Peer Review in the Global South: The Role of the Reviewer”. JLIS.It 14 (1):10-29. https://doi.org/10.36253/jlis.it-512.


Peer review is an integral part of contemporary scholarly publishing, especially journal publishing. Work submitted by scholars from all parts of the world is subjected to it. This includes submissions by scholars from the Global South, who wish to publish in “international” journals or in local journals which follow the same model. These authors may not be native English speakers and may be unfamiliar with the conventions of Western scholarship. Many of them conduct research and write their manuscripts under challenging circumstances. They may find it difficult to comply with the requirements of the journals to which they submit their articles. Their manuscripts quite often pose challenges to the peer reviewers. The purpose of this article is to provide some background on scholarly publishing in the Global South and the challenges those colleagues face, and to outline what this may mean for the role of the reviewer.


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