Published 2023-12-10
- LIS,
- Open Access,
- metadata creation,
- Authority control,
- LIS terminology.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mauro Guerrini
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The themes discussed in the contribution recur in the author’s theoretical reflection in recent years: definition of LIS: the discipline that reflects on the construction, organization, management and use, as well as on the languages and services to the public of the library; relationship between librarian and LIS teacher: both figures have the same identity, both insist on the same cultural and technical background; open access: the theme is fundamental as a substrate for the free sharing of research products; metadata creation: the process of recording data functional to the identification and retrieval of any type of resource; terminology: new concepts and new types of resources have imposed new terms; authority control: by assembling different data, it allows a greater identification of the resources and of the entities associated with them. The reflection ends with the importance of the international dimension of research.
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