Vol. 15 No. 3 (2024): Profili di donne fra carte e libri / Profiles of women among documents and books

Gender Equality in Publishing and Communication of the Vine and Wine

Alessandra Biondi Bartolini
Millevigne. The magazine of Italian winegrowers
Monica Massa
Millevigne. The magazine of Italian winegrowers

Published 2024-09-15


  • Vine and wine,
  • Wine communication,
  • Gender equity,
  • Women,
  • Technical magazine.

How to Cite

Biondi Bartolini, Alessandra, and Monica Massa. 2024. “Gender Equality in Publishing and Communication of the Vine and Wine”. JLIS.It 15 (3):71-80. https://doi.org/10.36253/jlis.it-618.


The wine sector has historically been dominated and led by men, but in recent decades many women have started to occupy various roles, from production to marketing. However, disparities persist in terms of career progression, as well as contractual and salary treatment. Unfortunately, the available data is often fragmented and not always representative, as gender equality reports are not widespread and do not always take into account the positions in the organization chart. In wine communication women are still often represented in a stereotypical manner, although some recent articles and books have begun to denounce the existence of the gender gap and the lack of visibility for women in top roles in companies, consortia, academies, and editorial offices as well as in wine and vine events. The article presents a series of data on the presence of women in events, panels and conferences in the sector and analyzes the opportunities (existing or missed) related to visibility or to its lack in such occasions, before presenting the case of Millevigne magazine, which represents an example of female leadership in the technical publishing sector.


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  1. Biondi Bartolini, Alessandra, e Monica Massa. 2024.“8 marzo: una pennellata di rosa non basta.” Editoriale, Millevigne (1). https://www.millevigne.it/articoli-rivista/8-marzo-una-pennellata-di-rosa-non-basta/.
  2. Casprini, Elena, e Lorenzo Zanni. “Il progetto Pa. Ge. Parità di Genere, primi risultati.” (Power Point presentation, Wine2Wine Business Forum, Verona, 19 ottobre 2021).
  3. Ciancio, Francesca. 2023. “Non ascoltiamo abbastanza le donne che parlano di vino.” Cibo, editoriale Domani. https://www.editorialedomani.it/fatti/non-ascoltiamo-abbastanza-le-donne-che-parlano-di-vino-mhosqtvb.
  4. Donadoni, Laura. 2023. Intrepide. Storie di donne vino e libertà. Bra: Slow Food.
  5. Nardi, Tiziana, e Patrizia Romano. 2023. “The changing role of Women in Food Microbiology: the case history of wine microbiologists in Italy.” Frontiers in Microbiologies 14: 1217385. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/microbiology/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1217385/full. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1217385
  6. Sgarzi, Barbara. 2022. Vino, donne e leadership. Milano: Il Sole 24 ore.
  7. Ricci, Sonia, e Loredana Sottile. 2024. “Al Vinitaly scoppia il caso del gender gap, la foto dell’inaugurazione è un caso nazionale.” Gambero Rosso, 16 aprile 2024 - https://www.gamberorosso.it/notizie/notizie-vino/donne-mondo-vino/.