When Linked Data is (not) enough. Cataloguing Tools between Obsolescence and Innovation Alessandra Moi 1-19 TEXT
Preservation of Linked Open Data Margherita Bartoli, Fabiana Guernaccini, Giovanni Michetti 20-44 TESTO (Italiano)
Inside the Meanings. The Usefulness of a Register of Ontologies in the cultural Heritage Sector Chiara Veninata 45-58 TESTO (Italiano)
Semantic Indexing of Musical Resources. The Application of the Nuovo soggettario System and its Implementation with a specialized Terminology Michela Grossi 59-81 TESTO (Italiano)
Introductory Note to the Document "Il sistema di collegamenti bibliografici nell'archivio della cooperazione di T. Giordano, con la collaborazione di S. Peruginelli" Giovanni Bergamin 82-90 TESTO (Italiano)
Literature, Book, Computer and Narration. Models and Shapes of Electronic Literature Federico Meschini 91-107 TESTO (Italiano)
The Database of the EMoBookTrade Project. A Proposal to Encode Early Modern Book Prices and Privileges Giliola Barbero, Luigi Tessarolo, Angela Nuovo, Francesco Ammannati, Francesca De Battisti, Renaud Milazzo, Andrea Ottone, Goran Proot, Erika Squassina 108-132 TEXT
Intellectual Freedom as core Value for library Collections. An international Outlook Francesco Meliti 133-156 TESTO (Italiano)