Digital preservation in Italy. Reflections on models, criteria and solutions Stefano Pigliapoco 1-11 TESTO (Italiano)
Conservation horizons. The three ages of archive and the role of conservation systems Francesca Delneri 12-25 TESTO (Italiano)
Accounting and the management of internal interdependencies: 14th century archival sources from the Comune of Siena Andrea Giorgi, Elena Giovannoni, Stefano Moscadelli, Angelo Riccaboni 26-42 TEXT
International perspective and national reality in the Principi di Catalogazione e regole italiane di Diego Maltese Mauro Guerrini 43-58 TEXT
Semantic alignment in museums, archives and libraries. The ontologies for describing relationships Valentina Carriero, Marilena Daquino, Francesca Tomasi 72-91 TESTO (Italiano)
Roles and Proficiency of Systems Librarians as Managers of Library Systems in Academic Libraries in Nigeria Alex Obuh 102-113 TEXT
Storage, enhancement and preservation of doctoral dissertations in the experience “Magazzini digitali”: a contribution to research and access Chiara Storti 114-124 TESTO (Italiano)
Conservation libraries & Data Curation: from Custos catalogi to Digital Librarian. The case of Ambrosian Library Fabio Cusimano 125-139 TESTO (Italiano)
OPERAS: bringing the long tail of Social Sciences and Humanities into Open Science Elena Giglia 140-156 TEXT
The Swiss library context between innovation and tradition: the Swiss National Library and the Münstergasse Library of Bern Maria Lucia Lucia, Jeica Maconi, Valentina Lepore, Maddalena Pizzighella, Martina Coppini, Desiree Koehring 157-168 TESTO (Italiano)
International Research Conference “What happened in the library? Cosa è successo in biblioteca? Readers and libraries from historical investigations to current issues. Lettori e biblioteche tra indagine storica e problemi attuali” (Sapienza University of Rome, 27-28th September 2018) Anna Bilotta 169-174 TESTO (Italiano)